Although some people believe that high school students should wear uniforms to go to school,the best policy is that they should be able to choose clothes to go to school.There are two reasons: develop one's originality and sense of the value of money. First, wearing clothes what they choose to go to school is one kind of expression. Teenagers always want to express themselves on there own ways,wearing clothes is one of the easiest way to do so.Some of them want to be like celebrities,so the try to wear clothes and accessories same as Paris Hilton wears.On the other hand,some of boys wears punk rock shirts and jeans to be look like rock star and make girls think they are cool.They think about clothes to go to school everyday,naturally they develops their originality. Second,they needs to have sense of the value of money to buy clothes.In japan most of high school students has good sense of fashion,because of that they do not wear same shirts twice a week.However,high fashion clothes are so expensive.It makes them to think about money carefully.Some of them try to get a part time job and know how hard working is.It is helpful for develop their sense of the value of money. Thus, to develop one's originality and sense of the value of money ,high school should let students to choose clothes what they want to wear to go to school.